Step 1
Confirm that IBM SkillsBuild is a fit for your school or organization
Step 2
Create an account with IBM SkillsBuild for Educators
If you don’t have an account with IBM SkillsBuild for Educators yet, you’ll need to create one before you fill out the request form. Your IBM SkillsBuild for Educators account will be the main admin account for your organization or school.
If you already have an account, that’s great! Just input the email that you used to make your account into the form below.
Step 3
Once you’ve created an account, come back and fill out the form below to unlock admin capabilities.
Only one teacher per school/organization should fill out this form.
After you submit this form, we’ll send you a confirmation email with resources to help you get started with your IBM SkillsBuild for High school educators admin account.
Our team will be in touch within 1-2 business days with custom links that students and educators can use to register and get matched directly to your organization.